

Special Edition of VentureCapital Magazine with an Article on Startup Hotspot Poland by M. Rosenberg & K. Twardowski

The special edition "Locations, Regions & Technologies 2024" of VentureCapital Magazine is here, providing an overview of the most exciting startup locations in Germany and international hotspots.


Sweat equity: overrated hype or a real alternative to cash versus equity?

Sweat equity is much more than just a buzzword. It describes the priceless value that founders and employees bring to a startup through their hard work and dedication. Instead of investing financially, they contribute their time, skills and passion - and in return receive shares in the startup.


TransporTrends March 2024: Storm damage in freight transport

In our new TransporTrends series in cooperation with Kompetenznetzwerk Logistik.NRW / LOG-IT Club e.V. we regularly report on current topics, decisions & trends in transport and logistics law - this time on the ever-relevant topic of damage caused by storms in freight transport.


Profit participation rights - old but gold in mezzanine corporate financing?

Profit participation rights are a popular form of investment in companies, particularly in the area of venture capital/start-ups. They allow investors to participate in promising start-ups or companies and benefit from their success without directly influencing the management of the company. However, the seemingly relaxed concept of profit participation rights conceals a number of legal aspects that need to be considered.


Media-for-Equity: Successful Marketing Financing for Startups?

Companies depend on advertising themselves and their products or services to reach their target market. However, advertising costs money, which may not always be readily available for startups to obtain through traditional capital markets. So how can this problem be solved? Media-for-Equity is the key!


M&A Transactions & ESG – Match or No Match?

Three letters have been on the minds of investors for some time now, not just in recent times: "ESG." ESG stands for Environmental, Social, Governance, and translates to "Environment, Social, and Corporate Governance." Sustainability now encompasses not only environmental protection but also social and corporate climate.

ECJ: Transport of empty containers in combined transport is not cabotage

In our new TransporTrends series in cooperation with Kompetenznetzwerk Logistik.NRW / LOG-IT Club e.V. we regularly report on current topics, decisions & trends in transport and logistics law. In the first edition, we took a closer look at an ECJ ruling on cabotage.


Third edition of the Legal Industry Review (LIR) for Germany published

The third edition of the Legal Industry Review (LIR) for Germany was published today and offers plenty of exciting input on the German legal market, including from TIGGES authors, including on the current state of the real estate sector and current topics in the area of compliance.